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Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/

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(Published on Aug 21, 2005)
Ref. N: 4151 Area Description

SOLD!!!A newly build 2 storey house not far from the seaside.

Send request for this property.

Property type: Houses
Basic location: 
City: Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
Area: 120 sq.m.
Yard: 1000 sq.m.
Price: 33700 €
Price in GBP approximately 23590 £
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/

SOLD!!!This estate consists of a beautiful , newly built 2 storey house and a perfect piece of land.On each floor there are 2 rooms and a hall . On the second floor there are 2 balconies where you can relax and enjoy your teatime. The whole living area is 120 sq.m , which is more than enough for a big familiy. The toilet and the bathroom are located inside the house. This perfect villa comes with a wonderful piece of land .The yard is regulated , very well maintained and in brilliant condition. The 1000sq.m large plot is fenced . There are electricity installed and running water available in the property. This estate offers you the great opportunity to move in at the moment. The village is well developed. There are many shops , supermarkets , a post office and a medical centre . There is a regular bus , leading to the seaside and the city of Burgas , so you can start to plan your shopping tour and your vacation.

View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/
View of Houses For sale in Gorska Polyana/Burgas/

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For more information or inquiries do not hesitate to contact us:


+359 885841230;
+359 887762939
Fax: +359 478 88470;

Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 900176
Mob: +359 885841230;
+359 887762939

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