Village of Veselie? ? The village of Veselie is located in South-East Bulgaria. It is included in Municipality Primorsko (Bourgas District). It is distanced at 30 km from Burgas city, at 10 km from "Zlatna Ribka" Camp and at 14 km from municipal center Primorsko town. The Rosen river pass near the village. Huge golf playground is planed to be built soon near the village of Vesselie. Primorsko Municipality occupies the southeastern part of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (Bourgas district). It is a resort and tourism center. Primorsko town and Kiten village have been declared seaside climatic resorts of national importance and are among the most preferred destinations in the summer season. The climate is influences by the continent, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The summer is sunny and warm with refreshing winds in daytime and relatively high night temperatures. The average temperature in July is 23 - 24?°??. The maximum temperature rarely reaches over 32 - 33?°??. The average altitude above sea level is 16 meters. The relief is low in the coastal zone and mountainous in the Strandzha Mountain zone. The vegetation has strongly manifested Mediterranean characteristics. Typical for the region are dense forests. Representatives of the fauna are the following wild animals: wolf, marine otter, wild category, hedgehog, hamster, fox, polecat, jackal, badger; non-harmful game: wild boar, deer, hare, and roe. Many birds may be watches in the region. Tourism and the services to it are the most dynamically developing sector in the municipal economy. There is a real construction "boom" in all villages in the Municipality Primorsko.
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+359 885841230;
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Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
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Mob: +359 885841230;
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