Ravnets is a village located in southeastern Bulgaria in Bourgas Municipality. Bourgas is a town and a municipality which includes 15 settlements with 228651 residents. It is part of Bourgas Province. Bourgas Province is located in southeastern Bulgaria, on the southern Black Sea coast. Its capital is the city of Bourgas. Bourgas Province is the second largest Bulgarian province by area (about 7 753 sq.km) , after Sofia Province, and fourth by population (about 422 458 residents). The city of Bourgas is the fourth largest city in Bulgaria. It is a popular resort area. It is also home to two universities with a total of over 6000 students. It is also home to Bulgaria's biggest sea port, The Port of Bourgas. The official opening of the port was on May 18th 1903. The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast covers the whole eastern border of Bulgaria. Black Sea Coast beaches occupy approximately 130 km of the 378 km coast. The area's average air temperature in the summer is about 28°C, with the average water temperature at 25°C. There are more than 240 hours of sunshine in May and September and more than 300 hours in July and August. The Balkan Mountains cross the country reaching to the edge of the Black Sea, dividing the coastline from south to north. Bulgaria's northern Black Sea Coast features rocky headlands where the sea abuts cliffs up to 70 metres in height. The southern coast is known for its wide sandy beaches. The village of Ravnets is situated 20km from the town of Aitos and only 10km from the seashore and the International Airport in Bourgas. It is very well developed there is a medical service, a post office, a mobile service, food shops and several cafes. The area offers hunting and fishing as leisure activities. A famous military airport is situated nearby the village. The land is good for cultivating grain crops, apiculture and animal husbandry.To see the exact location of the village of Ravnec on the map, please click here:http://bgmaps.com/map.asp?sid=148f6da6d41b7cb3d4dee7323b2d6ed8&city=RAVNETS&plz=8117
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For more information or inquiries do not hesitate to contact us:
+359 885841230;
+359 887762939
Fax: +359 478 88470;
Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 900176
Mob: +359 885841230;
+359 887762939
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