The village of Krushevets is located in the south-eastern part of Bulgaria,25 km from the towns: Burgas and Sozopol and only 15 km from the coast. The village is situated in the foods of Strandja Mountain. The villages near the village of Krushevets are: Gabur, Vurshilo and Prisad. The hamlet is lying in the Zozopol Municipality, in Burgas region. The Bourgas district is situated in the southeast part of East Bulgaria, surrounded by the ridge of the Balkan to the north, the state boundary between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey to the south, the Sliven and Yambol districts to the west and the Black Sea to the east. Its total area is 7753.14 sq. m. The Sozopol municipality is situated in the northeast part of the district and occupies 5.4% of its territory - an area of 784 357 decares. It borders the Bourgas municipality to the north, the Sredets municipality to the west, the Black Sea to the east, and the Tsarevo and Malko Tarnovo municipalities to the sout There are also three isles on its territory, which are situated close to the coastline - the Zmiiski Ostrov (Snake Isle), also called Sveti Toma, Sveti Ivan and Sveti Stefan. The total territory of the Sozopol municipality encompasses 362 306 decares of farm lands, 422 051 decares of a forest fund and 1225.8 decares of beach resources, which are one of the largest on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. They are the chief factor that determines and forms the branch structure of the municipal economy - tourism, recreation and sports, forestry and farming. The proximity to Bourgas - the administrative and economic centre of Southeast Bulgaria, an important and perspective transport centre along the Black Sea - Adriatic axis, which is a part of the European transport network, in combination with the opportunitie for tourism, recreation and sports leads to more active investments and the foundation of new enterprises. The territory belonging to the Sozopol municipality has been inhabited since the most ancient times and possesses unique natural conditions and a rich cultural heritage, created by various civilizations. Sozopol is one of the earliest towns on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and dates from 2 610 years ago. It is situated upon a picturesque peninsula. The archaeological findings testify to the presence of the Thracians as its first inhabitants There are 14 settlements on the territory of the Sozopol municipality, including one town, which is the municipal centre. The town of Sozopol and the villages of Ravadinovo, Atia and Chernomorets are situated upon the 5-kilometre strip. 1/3 of the municipality's settlements with 9 634 inhabitants, who constitute half of the permanent population, are situated in the active coast territory. The settlements belonging to Sozopol Municipality are: Izvor, Indje voivoda, Ravadinovo, Varshilo, Gabur, Atia, Rosen, Ravna gora, Prisad, Zidarovo, Krushevets, Chernomorets. To see the exact location of the village of Krushevets on the map, please see the location:http://www.bgmaps.com/map.asp?sid=6ea376c2a235de97abd68eb461ffa015&city=%CA%D0%D3%D8%C5%C2%C5%D6&plz=8148
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+359 885841230;
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Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
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