Location: The village of Kosharica is located 15 km east from Nessebar and only 6 km from the coasts of Blach Sea. The village has about 1000 inhabitants, most of them work at one of the biggest sea resorts in Bulgaria-Sunny Beach. A very intensive construction work has being done for several years, but after 6-7 years the village should look like western one, that is being determined not only by the reforms but also by the many foreigners and foreign property owners. There are very good conditions for vine-dressing and fruit-culturing. Infront of the village there is the lowland of Sunny Beach which opens a very beautiful sight of the Nessebar bay. The climate is mountainous, softened up by the sea. The air is crystal clear, the nearest factory is 45-50 km away. Because of the nature conditions and the unspoiled flora and fauna the region is included to Europian Ecological Zone. The climate i appropriate for cultivation of any kind of grapes, it is one of the regions in Bulgaria which allows cultivation of almond-tree and is appropriate for sheep-breeding. History: The village was found in the latest centuries of the Turkish Bondage by migrants from the village of Erkech (present name Kozichene) which is popular with great resistance against the Turkish army and making the place unreachable for them , during the whole bondage by the brave and proud Bulgarians. Places of interes: Kosharica is almost connected with Sunny Beach, along the two sides of the road there are hotels (including foreign investors)-single home type with avry kind of communication and entertainment. The western side is untouched which determines quiet and cool hours in the evenings. The clear mountainous air, the green Balcan and the close proximity to the sea makes the village very attractive place for resting and tourism.To see the exact location of the village of Kosharitsa on the map, please click here:http://bgmaps.com/map.asp?sid=148f6da6d41b7cb3d4dee7323b2d6ed8&city=KOSHARITSA&plz=8253
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