The village of Karanovo is located in the eastern part of Bulgaria, 5 km from Aitos, 40 km from the town of Burgas. The village next to the village of Karanovo are: Vinarsko and Pirne. The village of Karanovo is lying is the Aitos Municipality, in the Brgas region. Aitos municipality is located in the eastern part of the Republic of Bulgaria and belongs to the administrative boundaries of Burgas county. It is bounded by the following municipalities: to the north - by Ruen, to the west - by Karnobat, to the south and south-east - by Burgas, and to the east - by Pomorie. It includes the southern slopes of the Eastern part of the Balkans and the valley of Aitoska river. Its terrain is predominantly plain The geographic location determines the special significance of the municipality as a transport junction, through which the road nets between Northern Bulgaria and Southern Bulgaria in this part of the country are achieved. Main road №1 and railway road Sofia-Burgas passes through it. Its good transport characteristics is determined as well by the fact that it is only 28 km far from Burgas. The transport junctions with the countries of the Black sea zone and the Near East are accomplished through the biggest port on the Black sea and Burgas airport. The construction of the road section Aitos - Maglen with direction towards the resort complex Sunny beach will bring the municipality nearer in a transport aspect to this huge consumer centre. Aitos municipality is characterized with rich natural potential. Although small in size, it possesses various earth formations. Its northern parts along the entire east-west extent are occupied by the southern spurs of the low (up to 700 m) Aitos mountain. Its slopes descend slowly, round off their outlines and at some places turn into tedious hills. Its last spur ends with terrain undulations, merging with the plain - to the west of the town of Aitos The Southern part of the municipality is occupied by Aitos field, which is a peripheral part of Burgas valley. Seventeen residential areas with total population of 35 547 people towards 31.12.1999 are included in the administrative and territorial boundaries of the municipality. 24 780 of them live in the municipal centre the town of Aitos. The residential places with more than 1000 people are Maglen, Karageorgievo, Topolitza. The residential places with residents from 500 to 1000 people are Chernograd, Chukarka, Pirne, Karanovo, Peshtersco, and with residents less than 500 people - Sadievo, Malka polyana, Dryankovets, Cherna mogila, Zetyovo, Lyaskovo, Raklinovo, Polyanovo. To see the exact location of the village of Karanovo on the map, pleace click on:http://www.bgmaps.com/map.asp?sid=0a5c85faea5fb04a8c2c272d55105874&city=%CA%C0%D0%C0%CD%CE%C2%CE&plz=8532
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