Village of Goritsa is located in South-East Bulgaria. It is part of Pomorie Municipality, Bourgas District.Environmental Protection and Tourism An Environment Protection Program for the 2004-2008 period has been drafted. The goal of this program is to help create the optimal environmental setting in the region of Pomorie municipality while ensuring an integrated environmental protection. The territory of Pomorie municipality is divided into three sub-regions: Southern Black Sea coast, Tundzhanska undulating plain and Eastern Stara Planina. The climate of the town is characterized by mild winters, long autumns and moderately high summer temperatures. The hottest months are June and July. The average sea water temperature in the period May - September is about 21?°??. The water is suitable for swimmers until the month of October, which gives additional opportunities to make the active tourist season longer. Pomorie's beach strip is unique because of its fine black sand typical for this region only. The seabed along the coastal strip is slanting and almost even. The town is famous for the Pomorie curative mud. The mud treatment facility is open four seasons. Favorable conditions for the development of tourism in the resort of Pomorie are the town's geographic location, its mild climate and the closeness to important transport and urban centers. Apart from preserving and maintaining attractive natural sites, the town of Pomorie is also actively developing construction and reconstruction work to improve the resort infrastructure. Luxury hotel buildings and modern catering and entertainment facilities are being constructed. Quick facts about Village of Goritsa Other transcriptions: Gorica, Goritza In Bulgarian Aplhabets: ?“???????†?° Location: South-East Bulgaria Distance to capital city: 344.516 km from Sofia Altitude: 50 - 99m above sea level Area size of Village of Goritsa: 36.395km2 Population of Village of Goritsa: 882 inhabitants (to 01/01/2006) Post code (ZIP) of Village of Goritsa: 8225 Phone code of Village of Goritsa: 05969 from Bulgaria, 003595969 from outside
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