The village of Boianovo is situated in the south-eastern part of Bulgaria. The village is located in the Elhovo municipality /13 km /, in the Yambol region / 24 km /, 100 km from the sea town of Bourgas, the Bulgarian – Turkish border / there is a check points – Lesovo, only 30 km. / The village of Boianovo is the perfect place for those purchasers, who seek calm and peaceful living amidst beautiful unspoilt nature. At the same time the hamlet boasts of its strategic location - the south Black sea coastal towns of Burgas (where an International Airport is located), Pomorie, Sunny Beach, Nesebar... are within an hour driving away, the town of Elhovo (one of the most sought after regions in Bulgaria by foreigners) is within easy access, the village of Stefan Karadjovo famous for its healing mineral springs is just a few kilometers away. The Elhovo settlement encompasses part of the lowland-hilly and low-mountain Tundja Area -a region of the middle valley of the Tundja River and part of the Dervent elevations. The plain relief in the north parts gradually turns to low-mountain - here is included a part of the Dervent Elevations, which are very similar to The Stranja Mountain in their geographical characteristics. A conditional boundary between them is the flat saddle from which the Popovska River springs. The state boundary with Turkey passes along their crest. The altitude above sea level of the part of the Dervent Elevations included in the settlement system reaches 450 m. The right tributaries to the Tounja River - the rivers Popovska and Arapliiska - take their waters from the elevations' south slopes. The depth of segmentation of the region is very small, and the soil erosion is low. The Tounja River passes through the low-mountain range in the south part, separating the Dervent Elevations from the Sakar Mountain. The river forms a picturesque canyon between them. Its steep valleys and numerous windings make the region picturesque and attractive. The Elhovo municipality falls into the range of two climatic areas - the North- Tounja Area (transitional continental) and the Sakar-Stranja Area (transitional Mediterranean, with soft winters, warm springs and dry and hot summers). The north part of the region is characterized by a temperately continental climate. These peculiarities reflect the lowland-hilly character of the relief. The average January temperature is about 0°С, the average July temperature is about 23оС, and the average annual temperature is 11-13°С. The lack of high fencing mountains and the proximity of the sea determine northeast winds. The average annual wind velocity is 3.3 m/sec. The south wind which blows along the valley of the Tounja River is characterized by high velocities. in the beginning of spring, this wind manifests itself in rapid warm gusts. In spring and autumn, when the winds bring Black Sea air, fogs and low clouds are often formed. The average number of the fogs is 71, the maximum in January - 20, and the minimum in September - 4 days. To see the exact location of thevillage of Boianovo on the map, pleace click on:http://www.bgmaps.com/map.asp?sid=c246aaf7f0e9461e2d0f875129db593b&city=%C1%CE%DF%CD%CE%C2%CE&plz=8730
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